The Audubon International web site "Golf and Environment" has many resources about environmentally friendly golf courses. The following are exerts from Please feel free to follow the link and learn more.
"Golf has a unique role to play in caring for our environment. By their very nature, golf courses provide significant natural areas that benefit people and wildlife in increasingly urbanized communities across North America. At the same time, golf’s use of chemicals, water, and other resources to maintain pristine golfing conditions is often criticized for threatening the quality of our environment. Now, more than ever before, golfers and non-golfers alike are taking a second look at the nature of the game. Golf courses offer numerous opportunities to not only provide pleasant places to play, but also to protect drinking water, improve the water quality of our lakes, streams, and rivers, support a variety of plants and wildlife, and protect our environment for future generations." -
"Potential Impacts and Opportunities of Golf" By: Audubon International
What are golf's potential environmental impacts?
o Pollution of ground water and surface water caused by the use of pesticides, fertilizers, and other contaminants
o Poor stream water quality due to eroding shorelines
o Withdrawal of large quantities of water for irrigation
o Degradation or loss of natural areas
o Health hazards from chemical handling and applications
o Negative impacts of chemical use on “non-target” wildlife
o Unsound turf management driven by increasing and unrealistic golfer expectations and demands
What are golf's environmental opportunities?
o Provide needed wildlife sanctuaries
o Preserve natural areas within urban environments
o Support plants and wildlife native to the area
o Protect water resources
o Filter storm water runoff through golf course wetlands and turf-grass
o Rehabilitate degraded landscapes
o Promote physical and mental well being, reducing stress for more than 25 million U.S. golfers
o Improve air quality and moderate temperature
o Educate golfers and the general public about the nature of the game and promote environmentally-sound management